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Spacebar can be configured to send email, to enable the following functionality:

  • Email verification
  • Password resets
  • Password change notifications

Spacebar supports the following email transports:

Once you have an account with one of the above services, or an SMTP service, you can begin configuring Spacebar to send mail.

You must edit:

  • The general_frontPage config value, used to generate verification/password reset links. Be sure to set it to the Spacebar web app URL. For example,
  • The email_senderAddress config value, used as the 'from' email address. If it's not set, general_correspondenceEmail is used.


  • By default users are automatically verified. To change this, update the defaults_user_verified config value to false.
  • If you would like users to be forced to verify their email before using the service, set the login_requireVerification config to true.
  • You may force users to pass a CAPTCHA before requesting a password reset by setting passwordReset_requireCaptcha to true

Email Config

key type description
email_smtp_host string SMTP Host for sending email
email_smtp_port number SMTP port
email_smtp_secure boolean Use TLS for SMTP
email_smtp_username string SMTP username
email_smtp_password string SMTP password
key type description
email_mailgun_apiKey string Mailgun API key
email_mailgun_domain string Mailgun domain
key type description
email_mailjet_apiKey string Mailjet API key
email_mailjet_apiSecret string Mailjet API secret
key type description
email_sendgrid_apiKey string Sendgrid API key

Email templates

Spacebar's email templates are stored in spacebar-server/assets/email_templates. They are simple HTML files, which you may edit freely. Although HTML mail is very restricted, so a lot of content may not render properly.

Below are the available strings replaced in mail templates.

string replaced with
{instanceName} general_instanceName config value
{userUsername} The username of the user this email is being sent to
{userDiscriminator} The discriminator of the user this email is being sent to
{userId} The ID of the user this email is being sent to
{phoneNumber} The last 4 digits of the user's phone number.
{userEmail} The user's email address
{actionUrl} The generated password reset or email verification link
{ipAddress} The IP address of new login (New login emails are not currently implemented)
{locationCity} The GeoIP city of new login
{locationRegion} The GeoIP region of new login
{locationCountryName} The GeoIP country of new login